Statkraft - Financial calendar 2012
Dates for disclosure of Statkraft's financial results in 2012.
4th quarter and preliminary annual results 2011 - 16 February 2012
Annual results 2011 approved - 15 March 2012
1st quarter 2012 - 16 May 2012
2nd quarter 2012 - 23 August 2012
3rd quarter 2012 - 8 November 2012
Yngve Frøshaug, VP Investor Relations, tel.: +47 24 06 78 76 / +47 900 23 021
Johan Ailo Kalstad, Investor Relations, tel.: +47 24 06 84 81 / +47 952 45 568
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.