Çakıt plant Socialcarbon certificated
Statkrafts’s hydropower plant in Turkey, Çakıt, is Turkey’s first hydropower plant holding Socialcarbon certification, and also one of the first hydropower plants in the world to receive this certification.
Statkrafts’s hydropower plant in Turkey, Çakıt, is Turkey’s first hydropower plant holding Socialcarbon certification, and also one of the first hydropower plants in the world to receive this certification.
The Çakıt hydropower plant, a 20.2 MW run-of-river plant in the Adana province of Turkey, is certified under the Socialcarbon Standard and Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). This means that the plant is able to demonstrate social, environmental and economic benefits for the people living in the plant area. Active participation of local communities is a key element in the certification process. From the outset, local stakeholders undertake responsibility for evaluation and improvement of a given project. In cooperation with local populations and local authorities the Çakıt plant has started up a variety of social and environmental programs in the Kapıkaya village and the Karaisalı town of the Adana province.
This year, youth sports activities were sponsored by the Çakıt plant along with renovation of electricity systems in schools. At the same time, a large-scale reforestation program is currently being implemented with more than 13,000 trees already planted.
SOCIALCARBON® is a Standard developed by the Ecologica Institute that certifies voluntary emission reduction projects for their contributions to sustainable development. The Standard is founded on the principle that transparent assessment and monitoring of the social and environmental performance of projects can improve their long-term effectiveness. The standard provides a framework to follow social and environmental impacts of the projects and provides assurance by regular audits. Credits generated with a special focus on sustainability principles, receive a higher value than credits developed with only emission reductions.
The Çakıt plant holds both Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and SOCIALCARBON® certifications and the carbon credits generated will soon be available at the Markit Environmental Registry system based in New York.